labor day 2023

Labor Day 2023, the first Monday in September, is a day dedicated to honoring and recognizing the contributions of the American labor movement and the workers who have helped build and strengthen the nation. It’s also seen as the unofficial end of summer, marked by barbecues, parades, and outdoor festivities. However, it’s important to note that not everything operates as usual on this federal holiday. Here’s a breakdown of what’s open and closed on September 4, 2023.

Retailers: Labor Day 2023

Labor Day

If you need to make a last-minute run to the grocery store, you’re in luck. Major retailers like Walmart, Target, and Kroger will be operating on regular schedules. Walgreens and CVS stores will also be open during their standard hours, although it’s advisable to check with your local store, as some pharmacy hours may be adjusted or specific locations might be closed. However, wholesale giant Costco will remain closed for the day.

Historical Significance:

Labor Day, originating from the labor union movement, became a federal holiday in 1894. Its origins can be traced back to the labor unions’ fight for workers’ rights, including better working conditions, reasonable working hours, and fair wages. However, it’s worth noting that the United States does not share the same historical significance for Labor Day as many other nations. This distinction arises from the country’s complex history, including anti-communist sentiment during the Cold War.

  1. Labor Day, on September 4, 2023, honors American workers.
  2. It’s the unofficial end of summer, celebrated with festivities.
  3. Major retailers like Walmart and Target remain open.
  4. Groceries are accessible at stores like Kroger.
  5. Walgreens and CVS operate on regular hours.
  6. Some pharmacy hours may vary, so check local stores.
  7. Wholesale giant Costco stays closed on Labor Day.
  8. The holiday originated from the labor union movement.
  9. It became a federal holiday in 1894.
  10. Labor Day is a time to appreciate workers’ contributions.

How to Celebrate:

While some might spend the day enjoying barbecues and outdoor activities, it’s also an opportunity to reflect on the importance of the labor movement and workers’ rights. Take a moment to appreciate the achievements of the American workforce and consider the ongoing struggles for fair labor practices. Whether you choose to relax or engage in activities that honor the spirit of Labor Day, the holiday is a well-deserved break.


In conclusion, Labor Day offers a chance to unwind, spend time with loved ones, and reflect on the historical significance of the labor movement. Regardless of how you choose to celebrate, make the most of this day, as it’s a tribute to the hard work and dedication of countless Americans. Enjoy your Labor Day!

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